For my “Media Design” class, I had to created an app prototype for an app that related to Texas State's “Mass Comm Week.” I chose to create an app that could allow live chats for each of the Mass Communication majors, allow users to create a schedule of events they are interested in, allow users to look up event and speaker details. Created in Adobe XD.
ClientTexas State UniversityServicesApp / Graphic DesignYear2018
For my “Media Design” class, I had to created an app prototype for an app that related to Texas State’s “Mass Comm Week.” I chose to create an app that could allow live chats for each of the Mass Communication majors, allow users to create a schedule of events they are interested in, allow users to look up event and speaker details. Created in Adobe XD.
ClientTexas State UniversityServicesApp / Graphic DesignYear2018